Radical Generosity in Your Gifting
Gifting has come very easy for me, but I understand how that is not the case for everyone. We all have our gifts and talents and gifting is one of mine! Being born to teach, connect, and serve I’ve found gifting to be natural for me. While we have our Core Values solidly in place as our […]
Your Auto Repair Shop Event Planning Guide
Let’s start this blog out with some serious honesty. In Kim’s previous (or maybe future) life, she believes she was/will be an event planner. She will tell you that she is confident she was made for this. With that understanding, we realize that not everyone was born with this as a gift. She’s positive that […]
Acquisition vs. Retention Marketing, And Why It Matters For Your Auto Repair Shop
As Kim and I travel all over the country teaching classes on marketing, it’s apparent when we start talking to shop owners that they can tell you what different marketing activities they are doing, but not necessarily why they are doing them. Most small business owners do random marketing that is disconnected from everything else […]
Are You Building Equity With Your Marketing?
Auto repair shop owners tend to look at marketing in two different ways. Some see marketing as an expense. Savvy business owners see marketing as an investment. Let’s look at each of these as a definition. Expense: cost or charge. Investment: the investing of money or capital in order to gain profitable returns, such as […]
How Do You Create Great Social Media Content For An Auto Repair Shop?
So, you read our blog on finding content and you snapped a few photos of your shop, the team, and of some super neat repairs your team has handled. Now it’s time to share it! If there is one thing we hear that is more daunting to auto repair shops than getting comfortable with finding […]
The Most Valuable Skill You Can Learn As A Marketer
Prefer to listen? Use the player to listen or read below. As I write this article I’m sitting at the Orlando World Center Marriott for the STX Conference put on by Worldpac. Kim and I are teaching 3 different classes on auto repair shop marketing. We teach so much about how to do search engine […]
2 Things Auto Repair Shops Should Be Talking About Right Now
Prefer to listen? Use the player to listen or read below. As I write this article it’s March of 2022 and Russia has invaded Ukraine. You’re probably already asking yourself what this has to do with marketing an auto repair shop. Well, there are a couple of things you need to be talking about in […]
Where to FIND Content?
Do you ever look at the upcoming month on your calendar and find yourself wondering how you’ll ever fill it with content? Or, where in the world will you ever come up with enough capturing ideas? It’s no secret that being in a constant creative state is tough. You’ll find yourself running into dead ends, […]
Boosting Your Auto Repair Shop Boosted Posts on Facebook
Here I was watching TV and scrolling through Facebook when I saw a Facebook boosted post from a friend of mine in the auto repair industry. It made me “slow my scroll.” That’s a lie. It STOPPED my scrolling because I said to myself, “oh, no….I have to share this with him!”. The thing is, […]
Hiring Auto Repair Shop Technicians in the Digital Age
“We’re in desperate need of a new technician.” This is an obstacle almost every one of our clients has faced this year. The truth is, good auto repair techs are hard to come by, and the even sadder truth is that the hiring shortage our country has faced this year did not help. Most great […]