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You Want Better Marketing for Your Auto Repair Shop

Shop Marketing Pros can help you see the growth your business deserves with time-proven marketing techniques catered uniquely to your shop.

Your Auto Repair Shop Is Different Than Every Other Shop. Your Marketing Should Be Too!

Choosing an auto repair shop can be a tough decision. The industry has (wrongly) been given a bad reputation, which makes the consumer have their guard up from the beginning. It’s more important than ever to make sure your shop is being differentiated from the typical auto repair shop.

Every great shop has something different about it. It could be the cars you specialize in repairing, the approach you have to customer service, your commitment to being female friendly, or a host of other things.

At Shop Marketing Pros, we seek out what’s different in your business. We promote the people behind your brand. We do the things that help people come to know, like, and trust you. That’s just good marketing!

“I think there’s other great people out there but I don’t believe that there’s other epic people out there – and that’s what I would consider Shop Marketing Pros to be, is epic.”
– Michael Gallini, EurAuto Shop

Time Proven Marketing Techniques

It’s easy to get attracted to the shiny objects. New ideas come along in marketing every day, but the return in investment almost always comes from the “old hat” marketing techniques that are done consistently and done well. Sure, we’ll chase a shiny object every now and then to see if it works, but we focus on the foundational marketing that faithfully puts cars in your bays.

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Search Engine Optimization

When people turn to the search engines to find an auto repair shop, you have to show up. We make your website stand out to the search engines so you get found.
SEO marketing with stat and google icons and your repair shop, your competition labeled
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Digital Advertising

Paying Google, Facebook, and Instagram to put you in front of your potential clients is a great way to get new business. Paid ads can immediately get your phone ringing.
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Social Media Marketing

People spend their days scrolling their news feed. Organic social media helps your clients and potential clients get to know, like, and trust you between and before visits.
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Email Marketing

Email isn’t sexy in modern marketing, but it just – plain – works. The simple act of putting your auto repair shop’s name in your clients’ inbox keeps you top of mind.

Advanced Messaging

The modern shop sends their customers A LOT of messages through their CRM. We’ll make sure your outbound text and email messages sound professional, on-brand and are effective.

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Video Strategy

Video is king. From one video we can create website content, social media content, email content, and more. Send us a simple cell phone video and we’ll do the rest!

marketing video of Brian Walker in black SMP logo shirt explaining video with icons
marketing websites design with laptop and auto shop web page being displayed with mobile phone, phone icon with rising stats and best auto repair shop with arrow
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Website Design

Our websites are custom designed to get you found, answer questions, and help your clients experience your auto repair shop before they ever set foot in the door. Learn More

Ready to talk?

Schedule a call with J.R. to find out more about better marketing for your auto repair shop. No pressure, no obligation – just a friendly call.

Why Work With Shop Marketing Pros?

We’re different from the typical marketing agency. You may have experienced other auto repair marketing providers who promised the moon and then grew too big to even remember who you are. We don’t want to be the biggest – we want to be the best! That means at the end of the day, we and our staff can sleep well knowing we truly made a positive impact for the shop owners we serve.

In addition, we (Brian and Kim Walker) were shop owners ourselves. Brian can still be found turning wrenches in his shop pretty often. We know the industry and we know what it’s like to run a multi-million dollar shop. We also know what it takes to grow a shop to that level of success. When you hire us, we’re not just your marketers, we’re your marketing partners.

Kim Walker author headshot

“You may have once smelled what I was cooking, but you should try smelling what Shop Marketing Pros cooks up with their website designs. They’ll take your weak little website and make it really kick! There’s no Rock Bottom with these, guys; they’ll bring your website straight to the top! I think Stone Cold even said so.”
– The People’s Champion

Shop Marketing Pros branded green and blue logo
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