How Doing Video Every Day Can Transform Your Auto Repair Shop’s Marketing Strategy

Video marketing isn’t just another trend—it’s one of the most effective ways to engage your customers and build your shop’s online presence. If the idea of creating video content makes you feel a little uncomfortable, you’re not alone. I’ve been talking about marketing for years, but even for me, video didn’t come naturally at first. […]
2 Things Auto Repair Shops Should Be Talking About Right Now

Prefer to listen? Use the player to listen or read below. As I write this article it’s March of 2022 and Russia has invaded Ukraine. You’re probably already asking yourself what this has to do with marketing an auto repair shop. Well, there are a couple of things you need to be talking about in […]
Confession – I Haven’t Been Eating My Own Dog Food Today is July 21, 2021. I’m teaching a class at the MARS Conference just over a week from now. The class is on the topic of using video to connect with your customers. Something has really been eating at me, and that is the fact that I haven’t been doing the thing that I’m […]
Marketing Your Shop For Car Care Month
If you’re an active shop owner in the automotive repair industry then you’ve surely heard that April is National Car Care Month. But what do you do with that? A lot! As a former shop owner, I couldn’t wait for April (National Car Care Month) and October (Fall Car Care Month) because it gave me […]
Going Live In… 5, 4, 3, 2, 1
If you’re a part of a business right now, you need to make sure that your brand is the epitome of the three C’s:
Culture, Connection, and Customer Service.Â
Why You Should Build Content on Your Auto Repair Shop’s Own Web Properties
Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube make it easy to reach your audience for free; but it would be a mistake to trust all of your marketing efforts to these platforms alone.
These 3rd-party platforms, as they’re called, offer tremendous benefits as you look to grow your auto repair shop. But these platforms are rented land. They’re owned by corporations that have nothing to do with your shop.
In this article, we cover many ways you can invest in creating content and building web properties that are your own. Read along, listen to the audio version, or listen via Video.
How to Use Video in Your Auto Repair Shop Marketing
I’m going to make a bold statement. There may not be a more effective way out there to do marketing for an auto repair shop than video. Understand, I believe in marketing using ALL of the foundational techniques, but video may be the most effective.