Perfect Pairings: Digital Ads & Optimized Landing Pages

If you’re running Google Ads, you’re probably investing a decent budget into them. This means that every click that comes from your ads, you pay for. One of the worst things you can do is waste that click and money. How can you waste the click? By sending the user to a crappy landing page. […]
Negative Keywords for Auto Repair Shops

Google Ads are one of the most powerful tools for driving new business to auto repair shops. Unfortunately, an incredible amount of money is wasted every day by ad managers who don’t understand the concept of negative keywords – or by shop owners and managers who run their own ads but don’t even know about […]
Tapping Into YouTube To Promote Your Auto Repair Shop
It’s been 15 years since I owned an auto repair shop. That was in 2008. At the time, my phone was a Casio G’zOne flip phone. I had a video camera that used those little “tapes” to record. YouTube was a thing, but the process of getting video from the camera to the computer was […]
Radical Generosity in Your Gifting
Gifting has come very easy for me, but I understand how that is not the case for everyone. We all have our gifts and talents and gifting is one of mine! Being born to teach, connect, and serve I’ve found gifting to be natural for me. While we have our Core Values solidly in place as our […]
Should You DIY Your Ads?
It’s June 2022 and the theme of the month for us is “digital advertising”. That means the classes we teach, the blogs we write, and our social media posts will be mostly about the topic of digital ads. Having themes throughout the year helps a lot with content ideation. If you’re not doing that already […]
Facebook Advertising vs Boosted Posts
Most auto repair shop owners have heard that advertising on Facebook is a great way to drum up new business for their shop. Still, there is a lot of confusion around the topic, especially when it comes to Facebook advertising versus boosting posts. Ask most marketers what the difference is between advertising vs boosting and […]
A Look at the Importance of Tracking Digital Marketing When it comes to digital auto repair shop marketing, even the best-laid plans have the potential to go off the rails. But how would you even know if you’re not carefully watching? Sadly, you’d only get clued in far down the road as customers fail to come your way. Fortunately, there’s another piece of […]
Acquisition vs. Retention Marketing, And Why It Matters For Your Auto Repair Shop
As Kim and I travel all over the country teaching classes on marketing, it’s apparent when we start talking to shop owners that they can tell you what different marketing activities they are doing, but not necessarily why they are doing them. Most small business owners do random marketing that is disconnected from everything else […]
Are You Building Equity With Your Marketing?
Auto repair shop owners tend to look at marketing in two different ways. Some see marketing as an expense. Savvy business owners see marketing as an investment. Let’s look at each of these as a definition. Expense: cost or charge. Investment: the investing of money or capital in order to gain profitable returns, such as […]
2 Things Auto Repair Shops Should Be Talking About Right Now
Prefer to listen? Use the player to listen or read below. As I write this article it’s March of 2022 and Russia has invaded Ukraine. You’re probably already asking yourself what this has to do with marketing an auto repair shop. Well, there are a couple of things you need to be talking about in […]