How Windows 8 Taught Us All—including Microsoft—to Listen To Our Customers.

How Windows 8 Taught Us All—including Microsoft—to Listen To Our Customers.

The following article was originally published on our main agency website. We’ve gone through the process now of setting up these Google Guarantee Ads for a couple of roofers and they’re seeing great results. We know this is going to be huge for auto repair shops as well. We hope you find value in this article. […]

Do You Leave A Positive Impression After Networking?

Do You Leave A Positive Impression After Networking?

I consider myself to be really good at networking.  I’m referring to the true, relationship based networking and not the kind that I often experience that leaves me with a negative impression. When you attend a networking event, do you: prepare ahead of time, make the most of your time during the event and follow […]